e-Hadashot (חדשות) Weekly Newsletter
January 2022 - Tevet/Sh'vat
Spiritual Leader:
Rabbi Lauren Henderson
We are here to answer your questions
Gail Duner, President
Jason Parker, Executive Director
Dr. Amy Robertson, Director of Lifelong Learning
Rabbi Lauren Henderson
Ongoing Programming Linked on Homepage:
Shabbat Services | Tuesday Minyan | Torah in the Woods | Sunday Minyan
Atlanta Jewish Groups Welcome Afghan Refugees | Congregation Or Hadash | AJT Article
“There’s no Jewish connection,” she said. “It’s just Jewish tradition. We were once immigrants.” -- Sherry Frank
The Tikkun Olam Group continues to welcome any support that may be provided. Feel free to drop off gift cards at the shul, or donate to support directly on our website, to the Tikkun Olam Afghan Refugee Resettlement Fund.
A Guide For the Perplexed: Exploring Judaism with R' Lauren
7:00 pm Wednesdays: January 19 | February 16 | March 23 | April 20
Ever felt like you didn't even know where to begin in your exploration with Judaism? Or felt like the "4th child" at the Passover seder, who wasn't sure what questions to ask? I promise - you're not the only one! Rabbi Lauren will cover big questions and topics that mystify many of us about: the structure of the Friday night service; how to wrestle with a concept of God that just doesn't make sense anymore; and other big questions about how this ancient tradition fits into our 21st century lives. Each month will focus on a different topic that's on our minds - so bring your big, thorny questions and let's dive in. Please RSVP and let us know if you will be attending in person or via Zoom!
One Prayer Deep Dive: A Siddur Book Club
8:00 am Tuesdays (follows Minyan)
If you’ve ever sat in services and wished that you could better understand just one prayer at a time before moving onto the next one, this class is for you! Led by Rabbi Lauren, we’ll gather on Zoom to journey prayer-by-prayer through the morning service, looking at just one prayer a week (and occasionally, over multiple weeks). No Hebrew knowledge or prayer expertise required... just bring your questions, curiosity, and a siddur/prayerbook if you have one (we’ll also be sharing text on screen for those who don’t have a siddur at home).

What's Hot and What's Not... In Israel
TBD | Mark your calendar to join Rabbi Mario Karpuj. Offered via Zoom, Rabbi Mario conducts an informal, and always lively, discussion about current events happening in and about Israel from Israel. Study materials & link posted to homepage.
Jews and Taboos Sessions for 8/9th and 10th Graders
4:30 pm Sunday, February 13 | Post b'nai mitzvah, our teens are invited to join teacher Rachel Lazarus for monthly discussion of topics that are important to our teens as they move farther into Jewish adulthood, but tend to to make some people uncomfortable. Topics are geared toward the interest of the group; and that most taboo of subjects ... God. For more information about this program, please reach out to Dr. Amy.
COH Book Club: Wonderful Books and Thought Provoking Discussion
7:00 pm Wednesday, January 12 | View Schedule and Book Selections
This season, our book club members have chosen their own books. All meetings will be conducted via Zoom platform (homepage link requires passcode) and airs monthly on the second Wednesday (unless otherwise noted). For additional information about this club, please contact Sheila Dalmat @ cohbookclub@or-hadash.org.
Youth and Education Programming
Machon Hadash is now in session!
Click here to see what's up!
Join us as we continue to help spark Jewish love and curiosity in the next generation.
B'nai Mitzvah Bridge
10:30 am Sundays: 1/9, 1/23, 2/13, 2/27, 3/6, 3/20, 4/10, 4/24
If you have questions about our programming, or want to start receiving the MH Newsletter, please email Dr. Amy @ amy@or-hadash.org.
Upcoming B'nai Mitzvah
(Support our Kids! Active links point to B'nai Mitzvah Projects/Page)
2/26-H Seth Sagel
3/12 Meara Schorvitz
What's your passion?
(Click logo or contact Scott Allen
for more information.)
Emily Rome
Todd Edlin

Jack Cuttler, Father of Sandra Cuttler
Rina Janet, Cousin of Fred Wachter
Jack Cuttler, Grandfather of Jessica Lotner
Harry Payne, Husband of Deborah Payne
Samuel Grinzaid, Father of Jimmy Grinzaid
Elizabeth Weinberg, Mother of James Weinberg
Dorothy Levy Stock, Mother of Leah Stock-Landis
Benjamin Bolgla, Father-in-law of Stanley Pollock
Sid Greenberg, Father of Wayne Greenberg
Arlene Joyce Lewis, Mother of Robin Lewis
Joyce Heiman, Mother of Harry Heiman
Feibis Vurnbrand, Father of Sara Ghitis
Maurice Gene Buchalter, Father of Carol Buchalter Mittel
Joseph I Epstein, Father of N. Sandy Epstein
Caryn Sue Kamm Heaven, Mother of Jason Heaven
Edith Brightman, Mother of Harvey Brightman
Frank Plotnikov, Grandfather of Richard Parker
Nathan Issac Gershon, Father of Ellen Banov
Stephen Schactman, Father of Raina Nadler
Esther Zimmerman, Mother of Sherry Frank
Theodora 'Teddy' Haber, Sister of Rita Marokko
David Bader, Father of Myrna Rubel
Rosa Katz, Grandmother of Mario Karpuj
Warren Safter, Father of Michelle Epstein
Joseph Berger, Father of Keith Berger
Louis Payne, Father-in-law of Deborah Payne
Moises Spil, Father of Henry Spil
Sam Snyder, Father of Gary Snyder
Ruth Citron, Mother of Marla Shavin
Frieda Isenberg, Mother of Robert Isenberg
Elias Ventura, Father of David Ventura
Samuel Adler, Grandfather of Robin Lewis
Marcelo Manela, Brother of Flavio Manela
Elsie Toppin, Mother of John Ellison
Sandy Coffsky, Sister-in-law of Barry Coffsky
David Ritz Finkelstein, Husband of Shlomit Ritz Finkelstein
Pearl Goldberg, Grandmother of Richard Parker
Annalou Kadin Simons, Mother of Barbara Flexner
Sylviane Benisti-Zaoui, Sister of Michele Howard
Martha Turner, Mother of Renee Hoelting
Maurice Kravtin, Father-in-law of Marc Gary
Dvora Moran, Mother of Naomi Binenfeld
Max James Pollock, Father of Stanley Pollock
Alma Schloss, Grandmother of Michael Shuster
Ann Moss, Grandmother of Jaime Goldberg
Lawrence Shuster, Father of Michael Shuster
Ann Moss, Mother-in-law of Robert Isenberg
Jeanette Levis, Grandmother of Stacey Hader Epstein
Elaine Marcus, Mother of Ted Marcus
Emil Lewis, Grandfather of Jeff Lewis
Dennis Gelb, Husband of Ada Gelb
Lou Pascal, Grandfather of Kayla Engle Lewis
Tillie Cohen Axelrod, Grandmother of Stanley Pollock
Matthew Roth, Brother of Robyn Roth
Ira Segal, Father of Natalie Kaiman
Alfred Gary, Father of Marc Gary
Perry Lipkin, Father of Beryl Sara
Gail Rubin, Mother of Phillip Rubin
Lori Kremer Immergluck, Sister of Jeffrey Kremer
Joanne Levy, Sister of Rachelle Simon
Harry Lefkoff, Grandfather of Kenneth Reish
Ruth Rossheim Caplan, Mother of Barbara Murovitz
Frederick Pilzer, Brother of Alan Pilzer
Ronni Knapp, Mother of Daniel Knapp
Fritz Ilgenfritz, Husband of Sondra Ilgenfritz
Hannah Katzen, Mother of Bernice Schmitz
Charles Mittel, Father of Michael Mittel
Abraham Applebaum, Father of Richard Elan
Freda Fink, Mother of Elaine Blumenthal
Julius Citron, Father of Marla Shavin
Helen Hovitz, Mother of Linda Lippitt
Mollie Shron, Mother of Ellyn Jeager
Mollie Shron, Grandmother of Raina Nadler
Sadie Lebowitz, Mother of Morris Lebowitz
Linda Coffee Porter, Sister of Regina Coffee
Gerson Lesnick, Father of David Woodsfellow
Samuel Edelman, Father of Betsy Edelman
Chaim Lukowski, Father of Jay Lukowski
Pauline Marks, Aunt of Ilene Zier
Harry Labovitz, Father of Albert Labovitz
Ethel Drexler Dalmat, Mother of Michael Dalmat
Marilyn Rita Perley, Aunt of Robin Lewis
Names in blue denote Memorial Brick in the sanctuary.
Click here to find out how to purchase a Memorial Brick for your loved one.
How will you assure Jewish tomorrows? Click here to learn about LIFE & LEGACY.

Building Fund
In Memory of Michelle Gary
Rosanne and Andy Kauss
In Honor of Henry Julian Kalmus
Rosanne and Andy Kauss
Chesed Fund
In Memory of Dorothy Joan Tracy
Janet Kolodner
Ellen and Sam Banov
COH Book Club
In Memory of Dorothy Joan Tracy
Cathy Jacobson
Education and Youth Program Fund
In Memory of Dorothy Joan Tracy
Leslie and Fred Wachter
In Memory of Sergio Ventura
Leslie and Fred Wachter
General Fund
In Memory of Dorothy Joan Tracy
Susan and Marc Backer
Gabriela Siegel and Morris Benveniste
In Memory of Irving Buchalter
Pamela and Alan Buchalter
In Memory of Michelle Gary
Harriet and David Fisher
In Memory of Sergio Ventura
Susan and Marc Backer
Gabriela Siegel and Morris Benveniste
Minyan Fund
In Memory of Dorothy Joan Tracy and Sergio Ventura
Michele and Jeffrey Howard
Rabbi's Discretionary Fund
In Memory of Albert Fisher
Harriet and Jeffrey Fisher
In Memory of Laura and Jules Scheinzeit
Arline and Ronald Scheinzeit
In Appreciation of Rabbi Lauren
Arline and Ronald Scheinzeit
In Memory of Stanley Gold
Harriet and David Fisher
Tikkun Olam Fund
In Memory of Dorothy Joan Tracy
Sheila and Michael Dalmat
Tikkun Olam Fund-Afghan Refuge Resettlement
In Memory of Dorothy Joan Tracy
Jenise and Henry Spil
In Memory of Rylan Foster Gelb
Ada Gelb
Click here to honor or memorialize a loved one
with your tax-deductible donation to Congregation Or Hadash.

Click the button below to read what's happening within our community and the Greater Atlanta area.
Stay updated on community involvement during the days of COVID-19 with
Grandparents Network In the Family Room Event (1/11 @7PM)
Etgar 36 2022 -- Activism. History. Politics. This summer... How will you change the world?
JF&CS: Career and Calendar Events (Seeking Event Volunteers)
JScreen | Genetic Testing Just Got Easy | Testing discount codes ($75/$100) available
Atlanta Jewish Federation Local Shinshinim Program | Apply to Host 2022
JELF [Jewish Educational Loan Fund] Register for fall and spring/summer semester(s)
TalentEducators: Recruiting and retaining high-quality educators in Jewish education
Jewish Federation Resources
Inside Jewish Atlanta
Israel in the News
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The Men's Club supports Congregation Or Hadash and promotes member fellowship, Jewish learning, and Tikkun Olam.
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